3 min

Grid balancing: how does it work?

Discover how LIFEPOWR contributes to grid balancing with a 'mega virtual battery' and optimises your energy installation. By being part of our Energy Community, you help stabilize the grid and receive compensation that acceletariffs your payback period. Are you talented and interested in the energy transition? Take a look at our vacancies and let's have a conversation together over a virtual coffee!

When the grid is unbalanced, energy prices can be very high or very low. This is because there is a surplus or shortage of energy. Grid balancing ensures that the supply and demand of electricity is balanced. ️

LIFEPOWR contributes to this by deploying all batteries that are part of our LIFEPOWR Energy Community. We create "a mega virtual battery" that helps balance the grid. By being part of the Energy Community, you contribute 100% to the energy transition! On top of that, you will receive a fee from LIFEPOWR, which will significantly speed up the payback time of your system!

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Redeem your energy flexibility through the new digital network FlexiO

Discover how FlexiO and LIFEPOWR contribute to a more stable power grid and acceletariff the energy transition. Learn about the need for energy flexibility, the role of new technologies, and how you can benefit from additional revenue by participating in FlexiO's digital network.

Flexibility note Flemish government

Discover how the Flexibility Plan 2025 is helping Flanders move toward a more flexible and sustainable energy system. Learn how FlexiO plays a key role in smart energy control, integrating renewable resources and optimizing grid balancing. Also see how digital meters and energy management systems contribute to lower costs and more sustainable energy management.